Τετάρτη 7 Ιουλίου 2010


I was afraid to sing up......I was afraid that after so long my little on line world wouldn't be alive....but i wanted to come back....and so I wrote my e-mail and my password and i press the little button that was keeping my away from everything..........i had exams.....and i had to read....and that's what i did....but when you make a decision it always brings something bad  too....and for me that bad thing was the fear of sing up....the fear that noone will be waiting for me on the other side........

Δευτέρα 31 Μαΐου 2010

Dear diary...

Today I had an other converstation with my mother about what (the fuck) I will do in my life... 'cause when you are seventeen that's the ONE thing that you and your parents talk about, like all the time! And today something weird happened...I was making breakfast when my mom came in the kitchen and said to me that she thinks that I'm not happy with the university that i had chosen! And it was then that i just wanted to scream!!!!For the last 5 months we were looking for a job which would offer me money..."So what do you want to study?" she asked...and it was then that i wanted to jump from the window...Everyone,and when i say everyone i mean everyone knew the answer to that question except from my mother...and there we were just her,me and mu secret love for fashion design....after a lot of talking and googling she found me a college in rome where i can go after i make some money by working while studing...so here i'm with my plan of studing first here financial which i personally find boring until i get some money and make my dream come true!!!!

Κυριακή 30 Μαΐου 2010

Dear Diary...

Today we got all together and watched eurovision! I perssonally liked germany and the lovely guy from Cyprus! I have to admit that the strongest song was Ukraine's! Well bravo to Germany!

Σάββατο 29 Μαΐου 2010

Dear Diary,

So is it true?Are women addicted to men? I am 17 years old and i allready have seen 3 totally different opinions...and they are all coming from us. And by us i mean my best girl friends and me...
For the beggining there are Tania and Nadia who share the same opinion about love, it does exist no metter your age ,no metter anything...And it's always welcome...Tania is the girl with the long lasting relationship and Nadia is planning to be!!! They love babies and they dont understand why i hate relationships
Secondly is Fei...when you first mert her she seems like a little sweet girl but instead of that she was envolved with all the 'bad guys'...she doesn't talk a lot about boys so i don't know what's going on....
Last but not least are Nina and me...i have to admit that we are more open minted than the others...and i can say that bonding , loving etc aren't really our thing...and talking for me i HATE them!!!!I have been in a serious relationship once and i would like to keep it that way....
About that relationship we will speak an other time...maybe a cold december...

Παρασκευή 28 Μαΐου 2010

Dear diary...

Today i spoke with one guy that i used to like at the begining of the school year...he is really cute...and the only thing that ever happended between us was a dance! A cursed dance because the next day a girl came and told me that there is something going on between them!!and now exactly 8 months later I learned from one of his friends that this was a lie!And i want to ask him so badly but my friends say that it is too late...so instead of that i'm thinking to just stop talking to him...i think that this is the only way for me to move on! Cause yea after so long i steel want him and every time we talk if he says a single word that may mean something i start to have hopes again...and it is all to bad because he is such a funny guy...oh my god what am i going to do?

Σάββατο 22 Μαΐου 2010


They say that our relationships is a mirror in which we discover our self...well as far as i know i don't know anything about my self yet.,or is it possible for me to be a drama queen because every relasionship that i had ended dramatically?but does that mean that i like the bad and painfull end? Cause that would be a little crazy wouldn't it? But from the other hand inside a relationship you can always be surprised by your self from things that you didnt even know about you,.so it's true!(?)!

Παρασκευή 21 Μαΐου 2010

Goodmorning!Today it's a cloudy day again and the sky has a painfull grey colour...i really don't know which is the worst:studying with a bad or with a good weather...How is your day? Mmm i'm dreaming of paris today.,did you know that a research shown that french women are not thin any more?well yeah but when i went to Paris i didn't see any curvy women...i don't know it may be true it may not...
"The past is nothing more than a memory,the future is nothing more than a dream, But the present is all yours..make it wonderfull you can"
And the thinks that i love today:
my dog